Fat and happy, yes I am but, I may make all in view look away...
And how did I skip over the whole Spring cleaning thing..?!
Is that why I cannot find anything that fits ?
And when, oh when, will I stop shoveling too much stuff including my foot...
into my Giant-Pie-Hole..?!..and in the end spewing out a little venom. Oops, my bad.
I will find my Game face.
Self promises of walking along on the soft sand to attain that bikini body,
have been replaced by the warm-and-cozy-make-me-sleepy-in-the-sun-soft-sand...instead!
I will stroll the shore line but, I will not run, nor jog; no doubt.
So, again I promise to my Self to make another attempt to be good, and start by
starting with small scoops of brown rice that will be my broom.
...with a little Nori sprinkled on top to help it go down.
And I do here and now promise that I will Grapefruit juice wash my sinful-cellulite away on the inside, while I scrub my Self raw with a dry brush then a shower & sea salt to rough that stuff up on my outside.
"Rough & Raw": this will be my new game.
Cheers!..to building a better body.
GOOP Guru Gwenyth has posted a complete and fair interview with the author of "CLEAN", Dr. Alejandro Junger.
i skipped the spring cleaning too! definitely don't run or you'll end up with crutches (oh wait, that's just me, sorry).
a nice scrub down sounds delightful.
hahah! i relate to this post! i do not have a bikini bod and i love food WAY TOO MUCH!
no spring cleaning for "moi" but i eat brown rice all the time and boy.... does that scrub sound awesome!
So, I found out that my Japanese-lady friends use nothing but salt in the shower, on their body and face both.
Now, me too!
Thin is so overrated... happy is such a nicer place to be. I love your summer photos and most importantly the doves! I have some pet doves myself. :)
lol! so cute! I am putting off starting a lifestyle changing workout routine ...so lazy.
This is great...I can so relate as well! :)
I adore food as well..... I think i would take food over bikini body hehe!!!
You know the Polynesian queens along the North shore have no problem with a black-string-bikini to match their long black manes, and they always have the nicest surfer guys hovering around like a hive!
Cheers! to big girls in bikinis.
Be well. ;P
boy, my bikini days are looong gone, but i like the internal cleansing ideas! everything in moderation, right? or, to quote mae west. "too much of a good thing is wonderful!"
Well I tend to clean out all year long but only in my house. Thanks for the reminder about doing the same to my bod inside & out!
What a great post! I definitely don't have a bikini body this year...I gues that's because I knew I'm not going anywhere;)
The best way to fit into a bikini is to practice balance and self acceptance.I only started wearing one when I turned forty years old.
Why? Probably because after three kids I just want to celebrate this body of mine for nobody but me!
And now I keep up daily sit ups etc.Nothing hardcore or un-natural.
LoL..Great post..!!!
The great GOOP debate
Oh, Gwyneth! Isn't it the greatest?
...Ugh, I still have to compete with my 76 year old Mother-in-Law!...and her itty-bitty-bikini...and her deep-dark-tropical-tan, too. Yikes! ;P
hellooo my name is GUILTY!
Guilty for eating too much junk & being too lazzzy! Still enjoying the summer tough, minus the bikini!
I lost 10 pounds in the winter and was determined to keep going downward but I like food too much. So...no bikini bod, just a passable one. I'd rather enjoy life than have the perfect body and be miserable.
Thank you so much for the really great comment on my blog, it really helped me out and means a lot that you took the time to help me! Much Love X
Yeah...my clothes shrunk over the winter so rather than replace them all...am following Weight Watchers online which for me is a harsh but oddly welcome reminder of what my body really needs for fuel. Quinoa has become a substitute for rice for me and I have to say...I really like it...it's one of the superfoods so that's got to be a good thing...right?
Same here, I heart FOOD way too much that sometimes I say "this is worth being shamu for!". Starting a diet soon.. and excersising XD
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