Rain falls from the open skies. It clings and finds it's way through the rough and tough husks, hanging way up high. Some wild little prince climbs up the tall trunk to fetch it, and then slides down to deliver us this golden egg. Now what?
We need that liquid white gold to heal us, and please us, and feed us all this miracle "fluid of life".
Fresh coconut juice is the purest form of filtered water that offers simple joys of health. Filtered though fibrous husks, still untouched my human hands, this is our "universal donor", our Mother's milk, our biologically-pure-life-sustainable-transfusion.
We are the fat-bearded-lady-on-the-high-wire-tight-rope-suspended-above-burning-hot-coals-who's-desperate-to-breast-feed-her-baby...., and coconut water act as our balancing bar, our weight distributor, our natural neutralizer, our temperature-gage-thermostat, our very own inertia mobilizer, our eagle-wing-equalizer, our heaven-sent-internal-GPS-compass.
When attempting to kick an addiction, this will assist us with the fiend frenzy, and allow us some space for sanity, and giving us vital time to act in our own best interest.
The balancing facts:
Nerves, emotions, blood plasma, blood pressure, PH/acid levels, metabolism/digestion, electrolytes/body fluids, body temperature/fever reducer, and thyroid leveler.
In history it as been injected straight to the vein to sustain our wounded soldiers and used instead, when our reserve of our own mother's milk had been depleted, as well as escorting our body's compromised fluids out and then in replenishing revolution, until we are well once more.
For those who do not "do" water this may be a viable alternative option. No, this is not a vacation only option, this is an every day for as long as you like > life altering option.
Be ready to be well:
One case of nine "Young Thai Coconuts" from the Chinese Market will cost you a total of eight dollars. They will keep fine and fresh sitting on a cool kitchen counter.
Simple trick: We drill it . We drink it.
Once the air hits, make fast to sip...do not let it sit.
Take this life force in fresh, never stale.
This is a taste to be acquired for sure. It has an oddly soft sweetness and yet is slightly sour. Some will love it and some will not and some will accept it ready or not.
Get your drill bit to fit the size of your chosen straws, and then use it exclusively for this act of wellness ever more. Stab in your straw, and suck it dry. You want more? You want the meat? ...grab that heavy cleaver at the handle, then by the blunt base of the weapon, knock that coconut along the crown. Pull the top off, and scrape the bowl with your spoon, and chew. Enjoy by now a completely different taste and texture. A new world. Be well once more.
coconut is gorgeous. i love the look of it, both inside and out. but it cannot enter my mouth, ever. it is like tiny shreds of sandpaper to me, and i cannot handle it. wah. but all you coconut lovers are livin' it up because i think you enjoy life more than me and the coconut haters.
Never knew all this about the coconut. My generation thinks of it (mostly) as a high fat indulgence. I will have to rethink this....
i've never had this. i've never actually see a whole real fresh coconut, come to mention it. would love to try it. you way sounds so natural and delightful!
I've only had fresh coconut a couple of times. We can't buy them here. I wonder what the nutritional differences are between the fresh Thai coconuts and those hard brown ones that are in the grocery stores. One of my favorite things is to make smoothies with coconut water, a banana and fresh pineapple.
coconuts are very good for people with digestive issues. i should know, i've tried everything!
Drollgirl: You crack me up!...
wish you were here to have a tiny sip and that's it.
Cecile: Total myth...
Farmers gave coconuts to their pigs to fatten them up but, it had the OPPOSITE effect, so the switched to CORN!
Yes, Cristina/Down: Coconuts help with "what-goes-in-must-come-out"....which is the whole point of the digestive process.
Shadow!...I am shocked at how you have been deprived. Oh, your whole world will open up. The water-juice is entirely different taste and texture than the flesh-meat and all those false "coconut-flavoring".
Roberta/Uncommon: I know that all the necessary electrolytes are only available fresh. And I know that there is more nutritional value that whole milk. Tones of necessary minerals that make up our natural human-blood-sugar-salt ratio.
Coconut in all forms (liquid or meat) is one of the best things on Earth! I frequently enjoy Thai food for its use of coconut and my favorite spot in Connecticut makes a coconut soup to die for! Love the idea of drilling right into the coconut & drinking this lovely milk. Yum!
My husband wanted to buy a coconut the other day. Problem was, we had no idea how to get into it!! My husband will be delighted :) Kellie
Wow, I have never thought about buying a coconut and eating it. Thanks for the insight. Thanks also for dropping by my blog and leaving a nice comment.
I have always wanted to try fresh coconut milk, but never have...I am feeling inspired!
I drank the juice in Hawaii when I was a child! Loved it! I now buy coconut juice in a carton at Whole Foods...... clearly no the same... lol!
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