Be the tree you want to be, was the direction for a "grounding" meditation, given by fellow-now-former blogger "Art, Yoga, Life..." (aka Mayhem Arts)
Grounding Meditation, in Her words:
Stand with your feet hip distance apart (feet together if you have good balance). Bring your palms together in "prayer pose" at the center of your chest. Root down through your feet while simultaneously reaching tall through the top of your head. Draw your shoulders back away from your chest and down away from your ears. Close your eyes and watch your breath in it's natural state. (This is the position you stay in the entire time.)
Imagine that you are a tree. It can be any tree at all. A tiny sapling full of possibility, or a giant Ponderosa pine - stable and wise. Any tree. Does your tree have needles, large leaves, flowers, or fruit? Now imagine that those around you are trees as well (unless you want to be a lone tree). Choose a setting for your tree. Is it in the middle of a busy groomed park? At the top of a snowy mountain? Maybe in a parking lot? Really SEE your surroundings.
Feel the four corners of your feet ROOT down into the earth. Grasping downward for stability and taking nourishment from the soil. Feel your leaves and branches reaching for the sky. Searching for the sun... forever optimistic that you will grow and touch the clouds. Start to fill in even greater detail... are there birds in this tree? Are there pine needles all around or a sea of tiny purple flowers? People meditating beneath you perhaps? Squirrels playing?
Notice that there is a slight breeze blowing through your leaves. Allow yourself to wave with that breeze. No tree is completely still... it is always in motion. Watch your breath as you take in these tiny movements throughout your trunk and roots.
Feel the sun shining on your skin (bark)... warming you... enveloping you in golden light. Soak in the life it gives you... reach for more light.
Allow yourself to truly become one with nature. Allow yourself to JUST BE.
Continue to fill in the details of your tree experience and settle into your "treeness" for as long as you like. I usually teach this meditation in ten-minute intervals, but this would be a great LONG meditation of twenty minutes plus.
Me, I choose to be the Cherry Blossom Trees in bloom at this very moment in my own back yard. They put on a display for me every year, just in time for my Birthday, and I do appreciate it. I like others, feel "Off" the two months leading up to my Birthday, but I have continued that feeling post script. Is it seasonal?...
These Cherry Blossoms show up sweet and cheerful, and flamboyant and remain poised.
Me my Self, I need to learn how to be the same.
Thank you "Mayhem" for sharing the art of meditation vs. medication. Be well.
Lovely picture and a great post. I want so much to start meditating. I bought a book and read it and was all ready to go....just another one of those things on my to do list now. I think it's important to have that quiet time for oneself. Thanks so much for sharing that.
Thanking you for sharing this post! I haven't done grounding meditation in awhile but plan to do it later tonight!
Great pic!
and thank you for passing it on to us. sounds doable, i think i'll give it a try.
I meditate every day, sometimes several times a day:) I love this grounding meditation a lot. Thank you and Mayhem Arts:)
Kala: Maybe you can be of some assistance in getting me started...
I am doing it but, not sure I am getting it....feeling me?
Love this! I am going to have to try it!
What a wonderfully inspiring post!! I can't wait to try this... & discover what tree I will be!!
Happy Birthday!!
Great image and motto! Thanks for sharing this...
A wonderful meditation...very much like one of my tai chi warm up routines....The Ahhhh's come deep from ones soul! Thanks for sharing! :)...
and best of all Happy Birthday! :)
Oh I enjoyed this! I'm a Sequoia Redwood I do believe!
Thank you for you comments on my blog today too!
Sunny/Vineyard: I knew I guy once who had been claimed by a cult, and forced to change is name....he too chose "Sequoia"...he chose to keep it as a cherished nick name as he made is way back into society. It is a major tree to be. Be well.
Thanks for sharing this post! I will claim a few moments in time this evening to "be" the graceful and substantial Pin Oak.
The Pin Oak grows tall, and if not trimmed its branches will grown right down to the ground. Its root system runs both deep and along the ground and needs air from the surface to thrive properly. It is a playground for squirrels and usually hides a lot of bird's nests in its ample limbs...
Meditation is great and I love Tai Chi. I got so carried away once while doing Tai Chi outdoors on a tennis court looking at the mountains I almost fell over it was so blissful. Tarmac would not make a suitable landing for my aged bones.
Thank YOU for sharing this... felt amzing just reading it, can't wait to try it!
what a great meditation exercise! i chose a plum blossom tree, similar to the cherry blossom tree. thanks for leaving the nice comment on my blog, too!
Thanks for posting this. I (the April that wrote this before) now have a different yoga blog.
I posted this meditation today and linked to your blog as thanks.
Come check it out!
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