Monday, January 26, 2009

The Year of the Ox, the Bull, the Buffalo

Hold your ground.
Stay sure, steady and strong.
Be a Peacemaker, a Rainmaker and a Saint.
...and then, weigh your luck!

And yes, our new President Barack Obama was born in 1961, Year of the Ox.
There are no coincidences. He will be plowing that field for four years.

MagnusFoto can be found on and on Facebook:


Ghost Dansing said...

i like the picture and the little poem too.... "weigh your luck" indeed..... that might be the most important part of the formula :)

CathM said...

Thank you for sharing this gem of inspired wisdom. These two lines really spoke to me today:

"Hold your ground.
Stay sure, steady and strong."


P.S. Our new President was born the year of the Ox. No coincidences.

Anonymous said...

I am not surprised Obama was born year of the ox. He is also a Leo. Thanks for your color suggestion and lovely comments on my blog. Take care.

Mary said...

There is a lot of wisdom in your post. Thanks for an encouraging post!

Margaret Ann said...

What an exciting time it is for us as a nation. Thanks for sharing these little tidbits of info. How wonderous is that!!!? :)

Eileen Mariane aka Marmsk said...

Hmmm, my daughter was born in 61 and is a Leo. She has a lot of courage, get up and go, so she has something in common with Obama. Interesting.

My Inspired Reality said...

Nice words. Seems like we are all entering a more steady, sure period:)