Tuesday, August 5, 2008

I am expecting...

I am expecting the World to swallow me whole
I am expecting to be digested into the belly of the Buddah
I am expecting to be flushed out from where I entered
I am expecting to be cleansed by fire and expelled
I am expecting to explode like a parade of fireworks
I am expecting to be resurrected
I am expecting to be pure again
I am expecting to experience the full rainbow
I am expecting to whip around the Universe
I am expecting to be infused with elixirs of energy
I am expecting to be flooded with Love with out filters
I am expecting to Survive
I am expecting to land safely
I am expecting to Share with a full range of emotions
I am expecting the World to give me everything dear


nina kuriloff said...

you have interesting things to say.

Anonymous said...

excellent writing...

Kylie Bowers said...

Very Interesting!

Anonymous said...

This is beautiful.