Wednesday, October 28, 2009

A Novel November

November is National Novel Writing Month.
It is a mean marathon of fifty thousand words in only thirty days.
Sam Van Hellgren, author and creator of this absurd feat speaks volumes when
he cheers, To chaos! To chance! To inspiration! All hail, NaNoWriMo!

My Magical Mukluks

Native American healer and soul coach Denise Linn of
Summerhill Ranch,
shares of the importance of her "Confidence Clothes Concept".
A radiant wardrobe made up more of just a thinking cap and magic wand.
Average, everyday articles super-charged with lightening bolt blessings.
The human psyche responds strongly to silly symbols of designated Super stuff.

Seeds of productivity

Sports psychologist Jim Loehr coaches on the theory of the
"Oscillation Method"in his book
The Power of Full Engagement, as a way to manage energy vs time.
A series of intense energy bursts followed by the very necessary,
gentle energy recovery of physical, emotional, mental and spiritual renewal.
This to him is the ultimate way to find a peak performance in any arena.

Blessings of anointment

San Miguel de Allende
is a colonial town, high up the mountains of Mexico.
It is one of the most magical, and creative places on this earth.
People are drawn to visit in the act of language learning, painting, writing, Yoga, or soul searching Spirituality but, they all inevitably never want to leave.
This is the power of the "Teresa of Avila Method".

Clean Sweep of Dreams

Author Randy Ingermanson is the "Mad Professor of Fiction Writing".
He is also a theoretical physicist and the award-winning author of six novels.
He teaches us "Snowflake Method" as away to manage our creativity.
Starting small, and building up on the basic designs of our ever evolving,
and efficient mind, will bring us to the finish line that much faster.

Bless Me & Bless You: Mystical Healing Portal

A Room of Her Own: Writers Retreat in San Miguel.

Magic Mukluks: Hidden Treasures

Marathon: November is National Novel Writing Month


Manon said...

Hey Teri,
Thanks for sharing this post with us. I went to Denise's site this morning.... funny because I'm reading a book about the soul.


Shadow said...

love your post and those lovely snippets you left. i've been thinking about the challenge, and have promised myself 'next time'...


Manon: I'm guessing you might like gather up some far away friends, and have them meet you at Summerhill Ranch for some collective soul strolling through the labyrinth.

Shadow: We are available to challenge our Self anytime, not only on some fast clock time line.
It's only speed style word counting.

myan said...

what an awesome post!
i wish i had the gift of writing, i envy the authors that can create wonderful worlds to journey to.

thanks for sharing! yay for novels! :)

Gabbi said...

Such an interesting post dear Teri! I'm passing this along to my friend Luis and like Myan I wish I had the gift of writing... but at least I have you and these new writers you've introduced to inspire!

Renee said...

Wonderful post Terri.

Would you mind peeling a pomegranite for me.

Love Renee xoxo


Myan & Gabbi: Everyone can write, even you two. You just do it, don't judge it, just do it. It's just words.

Renee: The trick to opening and seeding a pomegranate easily, is to hold it under water.
Fill big bowl of barely warm, comfortable water, sitting in the sink. Take a knife to start it, and peel the rest away.
Anything that floats to the top, skim it off the top, out of the bowl and down into the sink; it's no good. There's no splashes of red, so no worries.
Be all.

Mary-Laure said...

Great post, packed with info and beauty (that pomegranate pic!!!)

Mary-Laure said...

Great post, packed with info and beauty (that pomegranate pic!!!)

Kenna Elizabeth said...

Thank you, yet again, for such wonderful words... both on your blog and mine. :)

CSD Faux Finishing said...

That location in Mexico sounds like the very place I could go in December when it is NaNoEdMo! For this month I must relegate myself to the places and faces my character would experience so I can become her and make her come alive on the page!

Does this post mean you decided to do it after all? If so then good luck!

Christina said...

i didn't know november was national writing month.
also, pomegranate seeds are definitely as described, little power seeds.

lauren bacchus said...

national writing month! I didn't know that. I also LOVE your pomegranate seeds.

TheChicGeek said...

Hi Teri :) What a great post! I love your mukluks...LOL and thanks for the great links too :)
Wishing you a Happy, Happy Day!

Anonymous social worker said...

i fucking love pomegranates.

Unknown said...

Hi Teri, I love each one of the different thoughts you wrote about in this post. I'm going to need to take more time and go through each one of them--but such a perfect message right now. Thank you!


Marionette said...

Waving at you from Kauai! Your blog is wonderful! I hope you can do some silk painting soon!!!!


Renee said...

Teri, you are such a doll. I love your comment mostly because I love wise old owls.


Kellie Collis said...

Fabulous insights!!! Gorgeous photography as usual :)

Renee said...

Bless you for that lovely little diddy.


Angie Muresan said...

Going to try your birthday decadence breakfast one of these days... Maybe tomorrow!! Hope your writing is going well!

Gabbi said...

You're awesome Teri... I have this same discussion with my friend Luis. He claims anyone can do it... that's the wonder of having talent and modesty, no idea how amazing what you do is.

Hope you're having a wonderful weekend!

Rachel Follett said...

50,000 words in one month! Wow thats like 2000 words a day. I give mad props to people who can do that.


Yeah, I am finding out that I cannot DO that. As I walk, I flow, as I stop and sit, I freeze. So, I spend my time on the mini-trampoline.