Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Get The Goop Out!

Really now, Summer is hear ...so where is my bikini body..?!
Fat and happy, yes I am but, I may make all in view look away...

And how did I skip over the whole Spring cleaning thing..?!
Is that why I cannot find anything that fits ?

And when, oh when, will I stop shoveling too much stuff including my foot...
into my Giant-Pie-Hole..?!..and in the end spewing out a little venom. Oops, my bad.
I will find my Game face.

Self promises of walking along on the soft sand to attain that bikini body,
have been replaced by the warm-and-cozy-make-me-sleepy-in-the-sun-soft-sand...instead!
I will stroll the shore line but, I will not run, nor jog; no doubt.

So, again I promise to my Self to make another attempt to be good, and start by
starting with small scoops of brown rice that will be my broom.
...with a little Nori sprinkled on top to help it go down.

And I do here and now promise that I will Grapefruit juice wash my sinful-cellulite away on the inside, while I scrub my Self raw with a dry brush then a shower & sea salt to rough that stuff up on my outside.
"Rough & Raw": this will be my new game.

Cheers!..to building a better body.
GOOP Guru Gwenyth has posted a complete and fair interview with the author of "CLEAN", Dr. Alejandro Junger.


Christina said...

i skipped the spring cleaning too! definitely don't run or you'll end up with crutches (oh wait, that's just me, sorry).
a nice scrub down sounds delightful.

drollgirl said...

hahah! i relate to this post! i do not have a bikini bod and i love food WAY TOO MUCH!

Manon said...

no spring cleaning for "moi" but i eat brown rice all the time and boy.... does that scrub sound awesome!


So, I found out that my Japanese-lady friends use nothing but salt in the shower, on their body and face both.

Now, me too!

Gabbi said...

Thin is so overrated... happy is such a nicer place to be. I love your summer photos and most importantly the doves! I have some pet doves myself. :)

Unknown said...

lol! so cute! I am putting off starting a lifestyle changing workout routine ...so lazy.

Margaret Ann said...

This is great...I can so relate as well! :)

Kellie Collis said...

I adore food as well..... I think i would take food over bikini body hehe!!!


You know the Polynesian queens along the North shore have no problem with a black-string-bikini to match their long black manes, and they always have the nicest surfer guys hovering around like a hive!

Cheers! to big girls in bikinis.

Be well. ;P

martha miller said...

boy, my bikini days are looong gone, but i like the internal cleansing ideas! everything in moderation, right? or, to quote mae west. "too much of a good thing is wonderful!"

CSD Faux Finishing said...

Well I tend to clean out all year long but only in my house. Thanks for the reminder about doing the same to my bod inside & out!

HoneyBunny said...

What a great post! I definitely don't have a bikini body this year...I gues that's because I knew I'm not going anywhere;)

Tabitha.Montgomery said...

The best way to fit into a bikini is to practice balance and self acceptance.I only started wearing one when I turned forty years old.
Why? Probably because after three kids I just want to celebrate this body of mine for nobody but me!
And now I keep up daily sit ups etc.Nothing hardcore or un-natural.
LoL..Great post..!!!

Unknown said...

The great GOOP debate

Oh, Gwyneth! Isn't it the greatest?



...Ugh, I still have to compete with my 76 year old Mother-in-Law!...and her itty-bitty-bikini...and her deep-dark-tropical-tan, too. Yikes! ;P

LenoreNeverM♡re said...

hellooo my name is GUILTY!
Guilty for eating too much junk & being too lazzzy! Still enjoying the summer tough, minus the bikini!

Stephanie Faris said...

I lost 10 pounds in the winter and was determined to keep going downward but I like food too much. So...no bikini bod, just a passable one. I'd rather enjoy life than have the perfect body and be miserable.

Laura @ EdenRose said...

Thank you so much for the really great comment on my blog, it really helped me out and means a lot that you took the time to help me! Much Love X

Paula Villanova said...

Yeah...my clothes shrunk over the winter so rather than replace them all...am following Weight Watchers online which for me is a harsh but oddly welcome reminder of what my body really needs for fuel. Quinoa has become a substitute for rice for me and I have to say...I really like it...it's one of the superfoods so that's got to be a good thing...right?

Bahrain Fashion said...

Same here, I heart FOOD way too much that sometimes I say "this is worth being shamu for!". Starting a diet soon.. and excersising XD