Stake claim
High atop
Come round
Trip me up
Slip a notch
Not by much
Batter up
Another batch
Whip up
Some more
By out
The store
Run wild
Swing about
Wind whispers
Scream aloud
Dream catcher
Life watcher
Game stopper
Dice tosser
Big drama
Simmer down
Pose Prose Prosper
Love the pictures! :)
I am terrible at that game in the last shot! I dont concentrate enough! x
i feel like running wild now...
Great pics!! Love the your words.. especially ....*dream catcher watcher*!
Fantastic pics, darling!
so energizing these photos...
Love it.
Of course you are coming and you are gypsy 21.
You will be able to read us poetry and bound people in with your words. They will toss the money at your feet.
love all the bright and cheery shots! yay! color sure makes everything better. even tho i wear black a lot, color is so super.
doy. i know this is a dumb comment! sorry!
This totally made me happy!
Love the third verse (stanza? paragraph?), the whole thing is exactly how I want to live, free and wild. :-)
awesome post as usual!
i so love your writings! :)
happy friday!
Sounds like it could be about Saturdays...
Dice tosser.....that's me I think!
I find your poems soothe me. Can I get an audio version, please? ♥
oh these are so lovely!!
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